23% Discount

This meal plan does not include answering questions or communication with a nutritionist or any follow-up (if you would like a package that includes follow-up you can find them on the main page of the website)

Gastric sleeve surgery is designed to reduce your intake through decreasing the size of your stomach. It is a temporary solution for obesity and weight loss, as studies have shown that losing weight through the surgery is unmaintainable; it lasts a maximum of 9 months to 5 years. Then your body begins decreasing its metabolic rate, which leads to you hitting a weight plateau, followed by a steady increase in weight until it becomes higher than it was before the surgery. This meal plan was designed to combat the weight plateau that can result from gastric sleeve surgery, and it helps your body break free of that cycle by increasing your intake gradually until you reverse all nutrient deficiencies and raise your metabolism. The plan consists of four meal plans over the course of two months, with a goal of reversing the adverse effects of gastric sleeve, rebalancing your body and breaking the plateau.

Note: this plan is not suitable for diabetics, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, kidney failure or heart failure, and it is preferred that you follow a plan suitable for those conditions

Plan features:

  • Four meal plans displayed in a PDF document designed based on your caloric requirement
  • 5-7 options in every meal that you can combine to formulate more than 30 different meals
  • Duration: 1-6 months depending on your goal, or until a weight loss of 3-9kg
  • A list of instructions for using the plan
  • A list of frequently asked questions that will help you when following the plan
  • An 8-10% discount on other packages
  • Priority reservation for all our services (packages, appointments, workshops)
  • This plan does not include an exercise plan

Type Product
Status Available
Branch Main Branch

This meal plan does not include answering questions or communication with a nutritionist or any follow-up (if you would like a package that includes follow-up you can find them on the main page of the website)

Gastric sleeve surgery is designed to reduce your intake through decreasing the size of your stomach. It is a temporary solution for obesity and weight loss, as studies have shown that losing weight through the surgery is unmaintainable; it lasts a maximum of 9 months to 5 years. Then your body begins decreasing its metabolic rate, which leads to you hitting a weight plateau, followed by a steady increase in weight until it becomes higher than it was before the surgery. This meal plan was designed to combat the weight plateau that can result from gastric sleeve surgery, and it helps your body break free of that cycle by increasing your intake gradually until you reverse all nutrient deficiencies and raise your metabolism. The plan consists of four meal plans over the course of two months, with a goal of reversing the adverse effects of gastric sleeve, rebalancing your body and breaking the plateau.

Note: this plan is not suitable for diabetics, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, kidney failure or heart failure, and it is preferred that you follow a plan suitable for those conditions

Plan features:

  • Four meal plans displayed in a PDF document designed based on your caloric requirement
  • 5-7 options in every meal that you can combine to formulate more than 30 different meals
  • Duration: 1-6 months depending on your goal, or until a weight loss of 3-9kg
  • A list of instructions for using the plan
  • A list of frequently asked questions that will help you when following the plan
  • An 8-10% discount on other packages
  • Priority reservation for all our services (packages, appointments, workshops)
  • This plan does not include an exercise plan
Type Product
Status Available
Branch Main Branch